Synopsis: Sidekick is a full-service agency creating unforgettable experiences and head-turning content, delivered straight to the people that need it. From staffing to real-life brand expressions, Sidekick puts brands on the ground, face to face with customers. For the bold and brave brands only.
Challenge: A refactoring of their offering bringing together staffing and creative services required a new name and fresh brand identity.
The brand needed to be as punchy as the company itself, and convey Sidekick’s uncanny ability to create and deliver amazing brand experiences, and propel customer engagement.
Insight and Idea: Creating a brand identity for an agency comes with high stakes, to establish client rapport and showcase its powerful capabilities.
We needed to combine the energy and exhilaration of Sidekick’s approach with its passion for real results, in one expression.
Expression: The resulting work is bold, attention grabbing and the perfect showreel of the impact they can create for their clients. A colour palette based on black and yellow packs a visual punch, with heroic messaging that gets straight to the point.
The new name, Sidekick, calls in their connected, collaborative approach and makes a promise to support and uplift clients, working tirelessly in the background to turn clients into heroes.